THE WORLD BIRDS - An Online Bird Book


The order Piciformes is made up of the woodpecker family Picidae plus 8 other families. Picidae make up about half of the species. In general, the Piciformes are insectivorous, but some exceptions eat mostly fruit. Nearly all Piciformes have parrot-like feet—two toes forward and two back, an arrangement that has obvious advantages for birds that spend much of their time on tree trunks. And most Piciformes do not have down feathers at any age, only true feathers. All nest in cavites.

Family Megalaimidae: Asian Barbets

There are three barbet families: Capitonidae (New World)Lybiidae (African),  and Megalaimidae (Asian). This article describes the Asian barbets.

The family Megalaimidae is comprised of the Asian barbets. Until recently they were considered to be part of the New World barbet family, Capitonidae. They are usually plump-looking, with large heads, and their heavy bill is fringed with bristles. The Asian Barbets eat mainly fruit, but also insects.

Genus Calorhamphu
These barbets are thought to have genetically diverged from the other Asian barbets around 21 million years ago.

Barbet,_Brown  Caloramphus fuliginosus 
Description: The brown barbet has brown upperparts including the head. It has red on the throat and upper-breast. The rest of the underparts are white. The male has  a black bill, while the female has a paler one. The brown barbet is 17 cm long. The sooty barbet was previously a subspecies of the brown barbet.

Range: Borneo.

Habitat: Woodlands.

Diet: Mainly fruits and berries. Also insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.

Barbet,_Sooty   Caloramphus hayii 
Description: The sooty barbet has brown upperparts including the head. It has buff on the throat. The rest of the underparts are whitish. The male has  a black bill, while the female has a paler one. The sooty barbet is 17 cm long. It was previously a subspecies of the brown barbet.

Range: Malaysia.

Habitat: Woodlands.

Diet: Mainly fruits and berries. Also insects.

Conservation status: The sooty barbet is listed as Near Threatened because of lack of data.
Image by: 1, 2) Lip Kee - Malaysia

Genus Psilopogon
This genus contains all the Asian barbets except for brown barbet and the sooty barbet, both of which are in Caloramphus. They are also referred to as the green barbets because all most all of these species have mainly green plumage. Their colorful heads help identify the individual species. The largest Asian barbet is the great barbet which is up to 35 cm long while there are a number of species that are around 15 cm long. Asian barbets favor fruits, especially figs of which they are a major distributor of seeds. They also eat insects, especially during breeding season.  These barbets have their nests in trees, most in cavities that they excavate in dead wood. The red-throated barbet will excavate the nest cavity in an arboreal termite mound.

Barbet,_Black-banded   Psilopogon javensis 
Description: The black-banded barbet has green upperparts. Its black breast-band continues to the eyes. There is also a black eye-line and black lores. It has a yellow crown, red throat, and light green underparts. The bill is black. The black-banded barbet is 26 cm long.

Range: Java, Bali.

Habitat: Woodlands, forest edges.

Diet: Fruits, insects.

Conservation status: It is listed as Near Threatened due to habitat loss.
Image by: 1) Francesco_Veronesi - west Java

Barbet,_Black-browed    Psilopogon oorti   Found: Asia
Description: The black-banded barbet has green upperparts. Its black breast-band continues to the eyes. There is also a black eye-line and black lores. It has a yellow crown, red throat, and light green underparts. The bill is black. The black-banded barbet is 26 cm long.

Range: Java, Bali.

Habitat: Woodlands, forest edges.

Diet: Fruits, insects.

Conservation status: It is listed as Near Threatened due to habitat loss.
Image by: 1, 2) Hiyashi Haka

Barbet,_Bornean  Psilopogon eximius 
Description: The Bornean barbet has green upperparts. It has a black fore-crown, forehead, and throat. The rear-crown is green, the face is blue, and there is a small yellow patch under the eye. The underparts are light green,. The Bornean barbet is 15 to 16 cm long.

Range: Borneo.

Habitat: Humid montane forests.

Diet: Fruits and probably some insects. It is a canopy feader.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: Nicolas Le Jeune

Barbet,_Blue-eared  Psilopogon duvaucelii 
Description: The blue-eared barbet has green upperparts, a black forehead, and yellowish green underparts. Most male races have blue ear-coverts and may have red above the ear-coverts and orange cheeks. Females have a duller head pattern. They excavate the nest in dead wood of a standing tree.  The blue-eared barbet is 16 to 17 cm long.

Range: Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo.

Habitat: Forests, forest edges, plantations, gardens.

Diet: Fruits and some insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Jerry Oldenettel - Thailand  2) Lip Kee - Thaiand

Barbet,_Blue-throated   Psilopogon asiaticus 
Description: The blue-throated barbet has mainly green plumage, darker wings, and paler underparts. It has a red forehead, blue face, and blue throat. They excavate a nest in a dead tree or branch. The blue-throated barbet is 22 to 23 cm long.

Range: Foothills of the Himalayas and Southeast Asia.

Habitat: Woodlands, forest edges, plantations, gardens.

Diet: Fruits and insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by:  1) Darren Bellerby - Edward Youde Aviary, Hong Kong   2) Mdf - India   3) Francesco Veronesi - Bhutan  4) Koshy_Koshy

Barbet,_Brown-headed  Psilopogon zeylanicus 
Description: The brown-headed barbet has green upperparts. The head, neck, and breast are brown. There is a yellow eye patch, the belly is light green belly, and it has a red thick bill. The brown-headed barbet is 27 cm long. The similar white-cheeked barbet has a white face.

Range: India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka.

Habitat: Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests.

Diet: Fruits and insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Yagnesh_Desai  2) Anton Croos   3) JM Garg - India  4) Shrikant_Rao in India 

Barbet,_Brown-throated  Psilopogon corvinus 
Description: The brown-throated barbet has green upperparts and belly. It has a brown head, neck, and upper-breast. The brown-throated barbet is about 27 cm long,

Range: Western Java.

Habitat: Montane forests.

Diet: Fruits; also insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: Nicolas Le Jeune 

Barbet,_Chinese   Psilopogon faber 
Description: The Chinese barbet has mainly green plumage, darker on the upperparts. The head is mostly black with a blue patch behind the eye and a yellow throat. The Chinese barbet is about 21 cm long.

Range: Southern China, Taiwan.

Habitat: Subtropical and tropical moist forests.

Diet: Fruits; also insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) John_Gerrard_Keulemans

Barbet,_Coppersmith  Psilopogon haemacephalus 
Description: The coppersmith barbet has dark green upperparts and the underparts are streaked in grey and black. It has a red forehead, yellow eye-ring with black eye-line, and a yellow throat patch. It has a call that sounds similar to a coppersmith striking metal with a hammer. The nest cavity is excavated in a tree. The coppersmith barbet is 15 to 17 cm long.

Range: Indian Subcontinent and parts of southeast Asia.

Habitat: Gardens, groves and sparse woodland. Requires dead wood nearby for its nest.

Diet: Mainly fruits; also insects, especially termites.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Budak   2) JM_Garg - India  3) lonelyshrimp - Thailand

Barbet,_Crimson-fronted  Psilopogon rubricapillus 
Description: The crimson-fronted barbet has mainly green plumage. It has a blue band on the side of head and neck. There is a black crescent behind the eye and a black eye-line. The male has a red forehead. This is a small barbet at 16 to 17 cm long.

Range: Sri Lanka, India.

Habitat: Tropical moist lowland forests.

Diet: Fruits, insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Dhammika Heenpella - Sri Lanka  2) Shareez_Assan - Sri Lanka  3) Ratnayake - Sri Lanka

Barbet,_Fire-tufted  Psilopogon pyrolophus 
Description: The fire-tufted barbet has mainly green plumage. It has a brownish-maroon nape, grey lores, a white band on forehead, a green throat, and a fawn colored bill with a black band. The male has a red tuft of feathers at the base its bill. The fire-tufted barbet is 28 to 29 cm long.

Range: Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra.

Habitat: Broad-leaved evergreen montane forests.

Diet: Fruits, insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1, 2) Dick Daniels - Zoo Miami   3) Doug_Janson   4) Francesco_Veronesi
1, 2, 3) Female  4) Male

Barbet,_Flame-fronted  Psilopogon armillaris  Found: Indonesia
Description: The flame-fronted barbet has green upperparts. It has a yellowish-orange fore-crown and forehead, a blue rear-crown, and a black eye-line that terminates at the lores. The upper-breast is gold and the rest of the underparts are pale green. The flame-fronted barbet is about 21 cm long.

Range: Java, Bali.

Habitat: Subtropical or tropical moist forests.

Diet: Fruits; also insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Lip Kee  2) Eko_Prastyo - Bali   3) Francesco_Veronesi - Bali

Barbet. Golden-naped  Psilopogon pulcherrimus 
Description: The golden-naped barbet has mainly green plumage, darker wings, and paler underparts. It has a blue forehead, nape, and throat. It has a narrow golden half collar on the nape. There is a black line from the eye to base of bill. The golden-naped barbet is about 22 cm long.

Range: Borneo.

Habitat: Forest, edges, and nearby.

Diet: Fruits, berries, and probably some insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Seshadri  2) David Cook

Barbet,_Golden-throated  Psilopogon franklinii 
Description: The golden-throated barbet has mainly green upperparts and yellow-green underparts. The subspecies have different head patterns. The northern (nominate) form has a red and yellow crown, a black eye-line, and a yellow throat. The golden-throated barbet is 20 to 23 cm long.

Range: Southeast Asia.

Habitat: Tropical and subtropical moist forests.

Diet: Mainly fruits and berries.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Franceso Veronesi   2))  Jason_Thompson - Thailand  3) JJ Harrison - Thailand 

Barbet,_Golden-whiskered  Psilopogon chrysopogon  Found: southeast Asia
Description: The golden-whiskered barbet has mainly green plumage. It has yellow cheeks, a blue throat, blue nape, and a heavy black bill. The golden-whiskered barbet is 30 cm long.

Range: Malay Archipelago to Sumatra and Borneo.

Habitat: Tropical and subtropical moist forests.

Diet: Mainly figs and berries. Also other fruits and probably insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1)  LonelyShrimp - Malaysia  2) Tu7uh

Barbet,_Great  Psilopogon virens 
Description: The great barbet has mainly green upperparts. It has a blue head, large yellow bill, green-streaked yellow belly; and a red vent. It is the largest Asian barbet with a length of 32 to 35 cm long and a weight of up to 300 grams.

Range: Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia.

Habitat: Forest and other areas such as gardens with fruit.

Diet: Fruits and insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Darren Bellerby  2) Prateik_Kulkarni  3) Meghana Kulkarni - Uttarakhand, India  4) Alan Hopkins - India

Barbet,_Green-eared   Psilopogon faiostrictus 
Description: The green-eared barbet has green upperparts. It has a white-streaked brown head with green ear-coverts and a green-streaked yellow belly. The green-eared barbet is about 25 cm long.

Range:China, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam.

Habitat: Canopy of forests.

Diet: Fruits, berries, and probably insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) JJ_Harrison - Thailand  2) Jason_Thompson - Thailand  3) Rushenb - Thailand

Barbet,_Indochinese   Psilopogon annamensis 
Description: The Indochinese barbet has mainly green plumage with upperparts darker than the underparts. The face and throat have significants amounts of blue and the crown plus throat have substantial amounts of yellow. The Indochinese barbet is about 22 cm long. It was was previous a subspecies of the black-browed barbet.

Range:  Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam.

Habitat: Montane forests.

Diet: Fruits, insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.

Barbet,_Lineated  Psilopogon lineatus  
Description: The lineated barbet has green upperparts. It has brown and white streads on the head, nape, and breast with the streaks decreasing towards the green belly. It has a yellow eye-ring and yellow legs. The lineated barbet is up to 30 cm long. The similar green-eared barbet has green ear coverts

Range: Northern parts of the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia

Habitat: Forests, preferring edges and clearings. Also woodlands and gardens with fruit available.

Diet: Fruit; also insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Johnny_Wee  2) THE PHOTOMATION  3) J. M. Garg - India  4) Andy_Li - Hong Kong

Barbet,_Little  Psilopogon australis 
Description: The little barbet, also known as yellow-eared barbet, has green upperparts and paler green underparts. It has a blue forehead, crown, and throat which is bordered below by black. The ear coverts are yellow and bordered by black. The little barbet is 16 to 17 cm long.

Range: Bali, Java.

Habitat: Shrubland and forest up to 2,000 m.

Diet: Fruits and some insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Francesco_Veronesi - East Java 

Barbet,_Malarbar   Psilopogon malabaricus 
Description: The Malabar barbet has mainly green plumage with the upperparts darker than the lower parts. It has a red face, red throat, blue band on the side of the head, and a black border to the fore-crown. The Malabar barbet is about 15 cm long.

Range:  Western Ghats of India.

Habitat: Evergreen forests, forest clearing, plantations with fruit trees available.

Diet: Fruits and insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Nanda ramesh  2) TR_Shankar_Raman 

Barbet. Mountain  Psilopogon monticola 
Description: The mountain barbet has mainly green plumage with the upperparts darker than the lower parts. The head has some streaked blue on the crown and a blue face patch. There is red on the rear-crown and nape. The mountain barbet is about 21 cm long.

Range: Borneo.

Habitat: Forests, forest edges, open areas that have fruit trees available.

Diet: Fruits and insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Marcel Holyoak - Malaysia

Barbet,_Moustached  Psilopogon incognitus 
Description: The moustached barbet has mainly green plumage with paler underparts and the belly yellowish. It has a red forehead and red nape patch. The throat is blue as are the ear coverts. There is a black eye-line and most subspecies have a black malar stripe hence the name moustached. The moustached barbet is about 23 cm long.

Range: Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

Habitat: Forest and forest edges.

Diet: Mainly fruits, but a substantial amount of insects during breeding season.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: Rushen - Thailand  2, 3) Xavier Sandel
1) Juvenile

Barbet,_Red-crowned  Psilopogon rafflesii  Found: southeast Asia
Description: The red-crowned barbet has mainly green upperparts and paler green underparts. It has a red crown and nape. There is a blue throat and blue on the sides of the crown. It has blue ear-coverts. The red-crowned barbet is about 26 cm long.

Range: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, and Thailand.

Habitat: Subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and plantations..

Diet: Fruits and insects.

Conservation status: It is listed as Near Threatened due ot habitat loss.
Image by: 1, 2) Lip Kee - Malaysia  3) 9V1BH

Barbet,_Red-throated  Psilopogon mystacophanos  Found: southeast Asia
Description: The red-throated barbet has green upperparts and paler green upperparts. It has a yellow forehead and red mid-crown, a black mask, and blue malar region. The red-throated barbet is about 23 cm long. In addition to tree cavities, it is known to create a nest cavity in an arboreal termite mound.

Range: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, and Thailand.

Habitat: Forests, disturbed woodlands, plantations.

Diet: Mainly fruits, also insects and their larvae.

Conservation status: It is listed as Near Threatened because of threatened habitat distruction.
Image by: 1, 2) Lip Kee   3) Marcel Holyoak  - Malaysia
1) Juvenile female

Barbet,_Red-vented  Psilopogon lagrandieri
Description: The red-vented barbet has green upperparts and paler underparts. The head is mainly brown with a grey face and throat. There is a blue line above the eyes. It is about 30 cm long.

Range: Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam.

Habitat: Subtropical or tropical moist lowland fores.

Diet: Fruits and insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: Huet

Barbet,_Taiwan   Psilopogon nuchalis 
Description: The Taiwan barbet has green upperparts, a red loral spot, and blue ear-coverts. The throat is yellow, there is a thin black stripe under eyes, a blue breast-band and breast-band is red. It has a yellowish-green belly. The Taiwan barbet is about 21 cm long.

Range: Taiwan.

Habitat: Forests at elevations of up to 2,800.

Diet: Mainly fruits; also insects, especially when breeding..

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Sean Tang  2) Ainus  3) John_And_Fish  4) Robert tdc 

Barbet,_White-cheeked   Psilopogon viridis
Description: The white-cheeked barbet, also known as the small green barbet, has green upperparts. It has a brown headand white cheeks with a dark eye-line. The breast is pale with greyish stripes and the belly is yellow-green. The similar brown-headed barbet has a yellow eye-patch while this barbet has a white face. The white-cheeked barbet is about 17 cm long, one of the smallest of its genus.

Range: Southern India.

Habitat: Forest areas of the Ghats and adjoining hills.

Diet: Mainly fruit; also insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by: 1) Antony Grossy  2) Naveen_Lakshmanareddy  3) J Sudheesh  4) Challiyil_Vipin

Barbet,_Yellow-crowned  Psilopogon henricii 
Description: The yellow-crowned barbet has green upperparts, a green face, and black lores It has a yellow fore-crown and yellow underparts. The rear-crown, throat, and under-tail are turquoise. The yellow-crowned barbet is about 22 cm long.

Range: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand.

Habitat: Subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and swamps.

Diet: It mainly eats figs.

Conservation status: It is listed as Near Threatened because of habitat loss.
Image by: 1 Nicolas le Jeune 2) Andrew Siani

Barbet,_Yellow-fronted  Psilopogon flavifrons 
Description: The yellow-fronted barbet has mainly green plumage. It has a blue face, blue throat, and yellow fore-crown. The yellow-fronted barbet is about 22 cm long.

Range: Sri Lanka.

Habitat: Tropical moist forests, wetlands, plantations, and rural gardens.

Diet: Mainly fruits and berries; also insects.

Conservation status: Least Concern.
Image by:  1) David_Cook  2) Lip Kee  3) Thimindu Goonatillake 

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