THE WORLD BIRDS - An Online Bird Book


Order Passeriformes    Family Furnaridae

This is a large family of small to medium-sized birds, ranging from 9 to 35 centimetres in length. The ovenbirds are a diverse group of insectivores which get their name from the elaborate, vaguely "oven-like" clay nests built by the Horneros, although most other ovenbirds build stick nests or nest in tunnels or clefts in rock. Furnariid nests are always constructed with a cover. While individial species often are habitat specialists, species of this family can be found in virtually any Neotropical habitat, ranging from city parks inhabited by Rufous Horneros, to tropical Amazonian lowlands by many species of Foliage-gleaners, to temperate barren Andean highlands inhabited by several species of Miners. There are even two species, the Seaside and the Surf Cinclodes,which are associated with rocky coasts.

Ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapillus, of family Parulidae is unrelated to birds in the ovenbird family, Furnariidae. For both cases, the name derives from the oven-like nests that are created.

Foliage-gleaners and allies

Genus Anabacerthia

Foliage-gleaner,_Montane   Anabacerthia striaticollis  Found: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
The Montane Foliage-gleaner has rufous-brown upperparts; ochre-brown underparts; long rufous tail; whitish throat; pale eye-ring;
Image by: 1) Ramiro Ramirez  2) Nick Athanas - Ecuador  3) Scott_Loarie

Foliage-gleaner,_Ochre-breasted   Anabacerthia lichtensteini  Found: Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay
Image by: 1, 2) Claudio Timm  3) Nick Athanas - Brazil  4) Carlos_Henrique

Foliage-gleaner,_Rufous-tailed  Anabacerthia ruficaudata   Found: South America
The Rufous-tailed Foliage-gleaner has mainly brown plumage; paler supercilium, underparts; rufous tail.
Image by: 1) Jorge_Cueva  2) Nick_Athanas - Ecuador

Foliage-gleaner,_Scaly-throated  Anabacerthia variegaticeps  Found: Mexico, Central America, Columbia, Ecuador
The Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner has distinct buffy eye-rings; buffy eye-stripe; pale throat. Not all subspecies have a scaly appearing throat.
Image by: 1) Larry Thompson  2) Nick Athanas - Ecuador  3) Michael Woodruff - Ecuador

Foliage-gleaner,_White-browed   Anabacerthia amaurotis  Found: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay
Image by: 1) Dave_Curtis - Brazil

Genus Anabazenops

Foliage-gleaner,_Dusky-cheeked also Crested Foliage-gleaner  Anabazenops dorsalis Found: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
The Dusky-cheeked Foliage-gleener is usually found near bamboo thickets, hence an alternative name is Bamboo Foliage-gleaner.
Image by: 1) Joe Tobias

Foliage-gleaner,_White-collared  Anabazenops fuscus  Found: southeast Brazil
The White-collared Foliage-gleener is usually found near bamboo thickets. It has brown upperparts; rufous tail; white supercilium; broad white collar; ivory colored bill.
Image by: 1) Hector Bottai  2) Ben Tavener  3) Nick Athanas - Brazil

Genus Ancistrops - 1 species

Hookbill,_Chestnut-winged  Ancistrops strigilatus Found: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
The Chestnut-winged Hookbill has chestnut wings, tail; pale supercilium; streaked face, mantle; short tail; thick neck.  The song is a loud trill that can go on for over half a minute.
Image by: 1) Joao Quental  2) Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Genus Automolus

Foliage-gleaner,_Brown-rumped  Automolus melanopezus  Found: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
The Brown-rumped Foliage-gleaner has dull brown upperparts; tawny underparts; dark brown facemask; red eyes; cinnamon-rust tail.
Image by: 1) Joe Tobias 

Foliage-gleaner,_Buff-throated  Automolus ochrolaemus  Found: Mexico, Central America, northern South America
The Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner has dull brown upperparts; buffy underparts; rufous tail; bold pale eye-ring.
Image by: 1) Kent Nickell  2) Jorge Montejo - Mexico 3) Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Foliage-gleaner,_Chestnut-crowned  Automolus rufipileatus  Found: South America
Image by: 1) Josheph Smit  2) Pinned

  Automolus infuscatus  Found: South America
The Olive-backed Foliage-gleaner has olive-brown upperparts; thin white eye-ring; gray underparts.
Image by: 1) Joe Tobias

Foliage-gleaner,_Para  Automolus paraensis  Found: Brazil
Image by: 1) Hector_Bottai

Foliage-gleaner,_Pernambuco  Automolus lammi  Found: northeast Brazil
The Pernambuco Foliage-gleaner has brown upperparts; white eye-ring, throat; buffy underparts; rufous tail.
Similar to: Pernambuco Foiage-gleaner. Pernambuco Foliage-gleaner has been considered a subspecis of White-eyed Foliage-gleaner. They have different vocalizations. Pernambuco Foliage-gleaner found at eastern tip of Brazil; White-eyed Foliage-gleaner found south of there.
Image by: 1) Caio Bezerra

Foliage-gleaner,_White-eyed  Automolus leucophthalmus  Found: South America
The White-eyed Foliage-gleaner has brown upperparts; white eye-ring, throat; buffy underparts; rufous tail.
Similar to: Pernambuco Foiage-gleaner. Pernambuco Foliage-gleaner has been considered a subspecis of White-eyed Foliage-gleaner. They have different vocalizations. Pernambuco Foliage-gleaner found at eastern tip of Brazil; White-eyed Foliage-gleaner found south of there.
Image by: 1, 2) Dario Sanches in Piraju, São Paulo, Brazil

Woodhaunter,_Striped  Automolus subulatus  Found: Central America, South America
The Striped Woodhauter has blurred steaking on head, breast, back; buffy throat. The Striped Woodhauter is sometimes split. depending on the side of the Andes, into species Eastern Woodhaunter and Western Woodhauter
Image by: 1) Hector_Bottai - Brazili  2) Nick Athanas - Ecuador
1) Eastern Woodhauter  2) Western Woodhauter

Genus Cichlocolaptes - 1 species

Treehunter,_Pale-browed  Cichlocolaptes leucophrus  Found: Brazil
The Pale-browed Treehunter has brown upperparts with pale streaking on mantle; pale buff supercilium; heavily streaked underparts.
Image by: 1) Hector Bottai  2, 3) Claudio Timm  4) Nick Athanas - Brazil

Genus Clibanornis

Groundcreeper,_Canebreak  Clibanornis dendrocolaptoides  Found: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay
The Canebreak Groundcreeper has dark brown upperparts; white throat with scaling; white supercilium.
Image by: 1, 2) Marcel Holyoak - Brazil  3) Claudio_Timm

Foliage-gleaner,_Chestnut-capped also Henna-capped Foliage-gleaner  Clibanornis rectirostris  Found: Brazil
The Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner has rufous plumage; yellow eyes.
Image by: 1) Carlos Henrique  2) Nick Athanas - Brazil  3) Hector_Bottai

Foliage-gleaner,_Henna-hooded  Clibanornis erythrocephalus  Found: Ecuador, Peru
The Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner has reddish-brown upperparts; orange neck; orange-red tail; gray underparts.
Image by: 1) Enicurus  2) Nick Athanas - Peru

Foliage-gleaner,_Ruddy  Clibanornis rubiginosus  Found: Mexico, Central America, South America
The Ruddy Forest-gleaner is found in several disjunct (isolated) regions and may be split into more than one species. It coloring and vocalization vaires by subspecies. In general, it is chestnut-brown upperparts; olive-brown underparts.
Image by: 1) Andres Cuervo - Columbia  2) Andres_Cuervo  3) Jorge Montejo - Mexico

Foliage-gleaner,_Santa Marta  Clibanornis rufipectus  Found: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia
The Santa Marta Foliage-gleaner was previously considered a subspecies of Ruddy Forest-gleaner.
Image by: 1) Nick Athanas - Columbia

Genus Heliobletus - 1 species

Treehunter, Sharp-billed  Heliobletus contaminatus  Found: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay
Image by: 1) Opisska - Brazil  2) Claudio Timm 

Genus Megaxenops - 1 species

Xenops, Great  Megaxenops parnaguae  Found: northeast Brazil
The Great Xenops has mainly rufous-orange plumage; darker wings; white throat. It has superficial similarities to the "true" xenopses of the genus Xenops.
Image by: 1) Joao Quental

Genus Philydor

Foliage-gleaner,_Alagoas Philydor novaesi   Found: Brazil
The Alagoas Foliage-gleaner tiny  is found mainly in fragmented forests above the town of Murici in Alagoas.
Image by: 1, 2) Ciro Albano - northeast Brazil

Foliage-gleaner,_Black-capped Philydor atricapillus   Found: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay
The Black-capped Foliage-gleaner tiny has mainly rufous plumage; black cap; pale face with black line to rear of eye; pale eye-ring.
Image by: 1) Dario Sanches - Brazil  2) Hecotr Bottai - Brazil  3) Nick_Athanas - Brazil

Foliage-gleaner,_Buff-fronted  Philydor rufum   Found: Costa Rica, Panama, South America
The Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner has reddish-brown wings, tail; mainly grayish underparts; dark eye-line.
Image by: 1) Dario Sanches - Brazil  2) Claudio Timm  3) Nick Athanas - Equador

Foliage-gleaner,_Chestnut-winged Philydor erythropterum   Found: Amazon region of South America
The Chestnut-winged Foliage-gleaner has grayish-brown upperparts; chestnut (rufous) wings, tail; buffy underparts.
Image by: 1) Dave Wendelken - Ecuador  2) Nick_Athanas - Ecuador

Foliage-gleaner,_Cinnamon-rumped Philydor pyrrhodes   Found: South America
Image by: 1) Joe Tobias - Bolivia

Foliage-gleaner,_Rufous-rumped Philydor erythrocercum   Found: Amazon region of South America
The Slaty-winged Foliage-Gleaner was formerly a subspecies of the Rufous-rumped Foliage-Gleaner.
Image by: 1) Nick_Athanas - Brazil

Foliage-gleaner,_Slaty-winged Philydor fuscipenne   Found: Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama
The Slaty-winged Foliage-Gleaner was formerly a subspecies of the Rufous-rumped Foliage-Gleaner.
Image by: 1) Joseph Smit  2) Pinned  3) Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Genus Syndactyla

Foliage-gleaner,_Buff-browed  Syndactyla rufosuperciliata  Found: South America
The Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner has brown upperparts with rufous tail;  brownish-olive underparts with white streaking; thick bill; whitish rear eye-stripe; white throat.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Cláudio Timm - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil  4) Nick Athanas - Brazil

Foliage-gleaner,_Guttulate   Syndactyla guttulata  Found: Venezuela
The Guttulate Foliage-gleaner has brown upperparts with white streaked mantle, cheeks; white-strekaed underparts; white throat; some rufous on tail.
Image by: 1) Jennens  2) Pinned

Foliage-gleaner,_Lineated  Syndactyla subalaris  Found: South America
Image by: 1) Nick Athanas - Ecuador  2) Jose Loaiza

Foliage-gleaner,_Peruvian  Syndactyla ucayalae  Found: Bolivia, Brazil, Peru
Image by: 1) Pinned

Foliage-gleaner,_Rufous-mantled  also Planalto Foliage-gleaner  Syndactyla dimidiata  Found: Brazil. Paraguay
Image by: 1) Hector Bottai - Brazil  2) Claudio_Timm

Foliage-gleaner,_Rufous-necked   Syndactyla ruficollis  Found: Ecuador, Peru
Thr Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner has brown upperparts; paler rufous neck, supercilium; rufous wings, tail; buffy throat; dull underparts.
Image by: 1) Tony_Castro - Ecuador  2) Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Foliage-gleaner,_White-throated also Tepui Foliage-gleaner    Syndactyla roraimae  Found: Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela
The White-throated Foliage-gleaner has rufous-brown upperparts; darker crown, ear coverts; white throat, supercilium; paler brown underparts.
Image by: 1) JA Jacomelli - Venezuela

Recurvebill,_Bolivian   Syndactyla striata  also Syndactyla striatus  Found: Bolivia
The Bolivian Recurvebill has mainly rufous-brown plumage; pale eye-ring; buff rear eye-line; up-curved bill.
Image by: 1, 2) Joe Tobias 

Genus Thripadectes

  Thripadectes melanorhynchus  Found: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1) Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Treehunter, Buff-throated
also Rufous-backed Treehunter  Thripadectes scrutator  Found: Bolivia, Peru
Image by: 1) Gianfranco Gomez

Treehunter,_Flammulated  Thripadectes flammulatus  Found: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
The Flammulated Treehunter has heavily streaked plumage.
Image by: 1) Arley_Vargas  2) NBII Image Gallery  3) Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Treehunter, Streak-breasted  Thripadectes rufobrunneus  Found: Costa Rica, Panama
The Streak-breasted Treehunter has brown upperparts; brownish streaked throat, upper-breast; black-scaled dark crown.
Image by: 1, 2) Dominic Sherony - Costa Rica

Treehunter,_Streak-capped  Thripadectes virgaticeps  Found: Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela
The Streak-capped Treehunter has rufous-brown upperparts; streaked cap.
Image by:   1, 2) Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Treehunter,_Striped  Thripadectes holostictus  Found: South America
The Striped Treehunter has striping on the mantle and breast, but not on the belly.
Image by: 1) Felix Uribe - Columbia 2) Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Treehunter,_Uniform  Thripadectes ignobilis  Found: Columbia, Ecuador
The Unifom Treehunter has unstreaked reddish-brown plumage; small bill.
Image by: 1) Nick Athanas - Ecuador  2)  Rohan van Twest - Columbia

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