THE WORLD BIRDS - An Online Bird Book


The Columbiformes order contains just one family, the Columbidae which is comprised of dove and pigeon species. They have small heads,short legs, and four unwebbed toes. All Columbiformes are monogamous. Unlike most other birds they are capable of drinking by sucking up water, without needing to tilt the head back.

Old World

Order Columbiformes    Family Columbidae

Genus Alectroenas
The Blue-Pigeons occur widely the islands of the western Indian Ocean, in and near Madagascar. Compared to other pigeons, they are medium to large sized. They appear to be closest related to the Fruit Doves.

Pigeon,_Comoro Blue-  Alectroenas sganzini  Found: Comoros Island and other islands in the Indian Ocean
Image by: 1) John Gerrard Keulemans  2) Marcel  3) Pinned

Pigeon,_Madagascar Blue-  Alectroenas madagascariensis  Found: Madagascar
Image by: 1) Niel Strickland  2) Jerry_Oldenettel 

Pigeon,_Seychelles Blue-  Alectroenas pulcherrimus  Found: Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean
The Seychelles Blue-Pigeon has mainly dark blue plumage with silver-gray head, mantle, upper-breast; crimson patch of orbital skin extending from forehead to crown; dull yellow bill; dark gray legs.
Image by: 1) Island_Conservation   2) Adrian Scottow  3, 4) vbecker

Genus Columba
Columba comprises a group of medium to large stout-bodied pigeons, often referred to as the typical pigeons. The terms "dove" and "pigeon" are used indiscriminately for smaller and larger Columbidae, respectively. Columba species are generally termed "pigeons", and in many cases wood-pigeons. Predominately found in Old World.

Dove,_Lemon  also  Cinnamon Dove    Columba larvata  also Aplopelia larvata  Found: Africa
The male Lemon Dove has dark brown upperparts;  green on side of neck; white forehead, chin; black bill; red iris, feet. Female has lighter brown upperparts; dull gray forehead, chin.
Image by: 1, 2) DIck Daniels - Birds of Eden, South Africa   3, 4) Authur Chapman - Birds of Eden

Dove,_Rock also Rock Pigeon also Feral Pigeon Columba livia  Found: almost everywhere
The wild Rock Dove has pale gray plumage; 2 black wing bars. This species includes the domestic pigeon and escaped domestic pigeons have given rise to feral populations around the world.
Similar to: Band-tailed Pigeon. Band-trailed Pigeon has white stripe on nape; Rock Dove does not. Band-trailed Pigeon has yellow bill with black tip; Rock Dove does not have yellow on its bill.
Similar to: Stock Dove. Rock Dove has more substantial wing bars than Stock Dove. Stock Dove has obvious green neck patch.
Image by: 1, 4, 5, 6,7, 8) Dick Daniels   2) Dick - North Carolina  2) Video by Avibirds.   More vidoes
1) This rock dove was Image on the cliffs of John O'Groats Scotland. The cliff residents, now scarce, are the ancestors of all domestic/feral pidgeons.  2) Feral Pigeon similar to wild rock dove.

The following subspecies are: Checkered, Pied

dark, white, white-breasted 
4) Madagascar

Dove,_Stock Columba oenas    Found: Europe, Asia
The Stock Dove has gray plumage including gray rump; incomplete wing bars; iridescent green patch on side of neck.
Similar to: wild Rock Dove. Rock Dove has more substantial wing bars than Stock Dove. Stock Dove has obvious green neck patch.
Image by: 1, 3) Jim Gifford 2) Chris Cant - Cumbria, UK   4) Mark_Kilner

Pigeon,_Afep  Columba unicincta  Found equatorial Africa
Image by: 1) Tom Tarrant  2) Nik_Borrow - gabon

Columba palumboides  Found: India
Image by: 1) Albinjacob  2) Balaji Venkatesh Sivaramakrish 

Pigeon,_Ashy Wood- Columba pulchricollis Found: Asia
The Ashy Wood-Pigeon has dark gray (ashy) upperparts; lighter gray breast; greenish tinge to upper-mantle and upper-breast; whitish-gray head; creamy buff collar and nape; black lines on nape; whitish throat.
Image by: 1) Henrik Gronvold  2) PeiWen Chang 3) Hiyashi Haka

Pigeon,_Bolle's  Columba bollii  Found: Canary Islands
The Bolle's Pigeon has mainly dark gray plumage; two dark bands on tail with pale band between them; red tipped bill;yellow to orange eyes. The banded tail distinguish it from the other pigeon endemic to the Canary Islands, Laurel Pigeon.
Image by: 1) Spot1972  2) Manuel Lopez

Pigeon,_Cameroon also Cameroon Olive-Pigeon  Columba sjostedti  Found: Africa Image by: 1) Nik_Borrow - Cameroon

Pigeon,_Common Wood  also  Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus   Found: Europe, Asia, Africa
The Common Wood Pigeon  has gray upperparts, head; pinkish breast; white spot on side of neck; white on wing.
Image by: 1) Dick - Scotland  2, 3) Dick Daniels - England   4) Algirdas 
1) Juvenile

Pigeon,_Comoros Olive- also Comoro Pigeon Columba pollenii   Found: Indian Ocean islands of southeast Africa Image by: 1) Pinned  2) Paul van Giersbergen

Pigeon,_Eastern Bronze-naped  also  Delegorgue's Pigeon  Columba delegorguei Found: Africa
The Eastern Bronze-naped Pigeon has dark gray upperparts; lighter gray underparts may be tinged with rufous. Male has white collar on hind-neck
Bronze-naped Pigeons: Columba delegorguei  Columba iriditorques   Columba malherbii
Image by: 1) John Gerrard Keulemans  2) Alan Manson
1) Left - female; right - male

Pigeon,_Hill  also  Eastern Rock Dove  Columba rupestris  Found: Asia
The Hill Pigeon is very similar to the Rock Dove - mainly differentiated by its tail pattern which consist of a broad white tail-band across the black tail. Other differences include a paler mantle and upper wings and a white patch on the back.
Image by: 1) As Kannan - India   2) Sergey Pisarevskiy - South Siberia  3) Imran_Shah - Pakistan

Pigeon,_Japanese_Wood-  Columba janthina  Found: south Asia
The Japanese Wood-Pigeon has mainly soooty-black  plumage with iridescence on head region; brown eyes; red legs.
Image by: 1)) james_Eaton - Japan  2) Christophe_Bagonneau

Pigeon,_Laurel  Columba junoniae  Found: Canary Islands
The Laurel Pigeon has dark brown upperparts; dark pink breast. Lack of dark bands on the gray tail distinguish it from the other pigeon endemic to the Canary Islands, Bolle's Pigeon.
Image by: 1) Dr Philipp Lehmann  2) Salvatore Chamu

Pigeon,_Metallic  Columba vitiensis  Found: Philippines, New Guinea and surrounding southwest islands
The Metallic Pigeon has purple plumage; white or gray chin and ear coverts; yellowish-red iris; red yellow bill; purplish feet.
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2, 3) Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo

Pigeon,_Nilgiri Wood-  Columba elphinstonii  Found: India
The Nilgiri Wood-Pigeon has dark gray upperparts with chestnut mantle; white patterned rear-neck patch; red feet, base of bill.
Image by: 1) Michael and Helen Cox  2) Navaneeth Kishor  3) Gautam_Krishnan

Pigeon,_Pale-capped  Columba punicea  Found: Indian subcontinent, southeast Asia
The male Pale-capped Pigeon  has purplish-maroon upperparts; grayish-white crown; vinous-brown ear-coverts, throat, underparts; slaty-gray under-tail coverts. Female has more brownish-gray crown.
Image by: 1) Henrik Gronvold  2) Jainy_Kuriakose - India  3) Sudhir_Garg - India

Pigeon,_Rameron  also African Olive-Pigeon  Columba arquatrix  Found: Africa
The Rameron Pigeon has maroon back, wings; shoulders heavily speckled with white spots; maroon underparts with white spots; gray head; dark gray under-wings, under-tails; yellow patches around eyes; yellow bill. feet.
Image by: 1) Matthew Hine  2, 4) Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo  3) Sandy Cole - San Diego Zoo

Pigeon,_São Tomé Bronze-naped  also  Island Bronze-naped Pigeon  Columba malherbii
Found: Equatorial Guinea and west coast islands of Africa Image by: 1, 2) Nik Borrow - Sao Tome
1) Pair 2) Male

Pigeon,_São Tomé Olive-  also  Maroon Pigeon  Columba thomensis  Found: islands of São Tomé and Príncipe Image by: 1, 2) Nik_Borrow  3) 
1, 2) Female 3) Male

  also  Silvery Wood-Pigeon  Columba argentina  Found: Indonesia, Malaysia
The Silvery Pigeon has mainly silvery-gray plumage; black flight feathers, end of tail.
Image by: 1) John Gerrard Keulemans  2) James_Eaton

Pigeon,_Snow  Columba leuconota Found: rocky hills of Asia
The Snow Pigeon has gray back; 3 black wing-bars; black tail; dark gray head; white collar, underparts.
Image by: 1) Francesco Veronesi - Bhutan  2) Ron Knight - India  3) Dibyendu_Ash

Pigeon,_Somali  Columba oliviae  Found: Somalia
The Somali Pigeon dwells mostly in rock along the arid coast of Somalia,
Image by: 1) Nik_Borrow

Pigeon,_Speckled also African Rock Dove  Columba guinea   Found: Africa
The Speckled Pigeon has rufous back; rufous wings with white speckles; blue-gray remainder of upperparts; blue-gray underparts; gray head with red patch around eye; brownish neck with light colored streaks; red legs.
Image by: 1, 3) Kjeuring - Table Mountain Cape Town   2, 4, 5) Dick Daniels - Cape Town, South Africa  6) Cristiano Crolle - Cape Town, South Africa.

Pigeon,_Speckled_Wood-   Columba hodgsonii   Found: northeast parts of Indian subcontinent; Himalayas
The Speckled Wood-Pigeon has Maroon-brown upperparts; speckled underparts.
Image by: 1) Nick_Athanas - China  2) Dave_Curtis - Thailand  3) Dibyendu_Ash 

Pigeon,_Sri Lanka Wood-  Columba torringtoniae  Found: Sri Lanka
The Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon has dark gray upperparts; lilac head, underparts becoming paler on the belly; black-and-white chessboard pattern on nape.
Image by: 1) Raveen_and_Varuni   2) Danushka Senadheera

  Columba trocaz  Found: Madeira
The Trocaz Pigeon has mainly gray plumage; pinkish breast; silvery neck patch
Image by: 1) John Gerraard Keulemans 2) Joaquim Cavaco

Pigeon,_Western Bronze-naped   also  Bronze-naped Pigeon Columba iriditorques Found: Africa Image by: 1) Nik_Borrow - Liberia

Pigeon,_White-collared  Columba albitorques  Found: highlands in Eritrea and Ethiopia.
The White-collared Pigeon  has mainly gray-brown plumage; slate- gray head; white collar; white streaked neck.
Image by: 1) Alastair Rae - Ethiopia  2) Nik_Borrow  - Ethiopia   3) Stephen_Smith - Ethiopia  4) Lip_kee

Pigeon,_White-headed Columba leucomela   Found: Australia
The White-headed Pigeon has black back, wings, tail; white of buffy head, breast; light gray belly, under-tail; pale orange or yellow eyes; red eye-ring; legs.
Image by: 1) russellstreet  2) Julie C - Australia  3) Lance  4) Tom_Tarrant

Pigeon,_White-naped   Columba albinucha  Found: Cameroon, DR Congo, Uganda
Image by: 1) nternet Archive Book Images 2) Doug Kelson - Uganda

Pigeon,_Yellow-eyed  also  Pale-backed Pigeon  Columba eversmanni  Found: Asia
Image by: 1) Shreeram - India  2) Sumeet Moghe  3) Ron Knight

Pigeon,_Yellow-legged  Columba pallidiceps  Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2) Pinned

Genus Nesoenas
The Pink Pigeon and Madagascar Turtle-Dove and appear to be closely related. They seem to have split from their relatives in Columba and Streptopelia about 10 million years ago. Some thus place them in their on genus - Nesoenas. Other place them in Columba or Streptopelia.

Dove,_Madagascar Turtle-  also  Malagasy Turtle-Dove   Nesoenas picturata  Found: Madagascar and nearby islands
Image by: 1) Marion Schneider and Christoph Aistleitner - Seychelles  2) Roland ZH    3, 4) Dick Daniels - Parc Tsarasaotra (open bird sanctury in Antananrivo)

Pigeon,_Pink  Nesoenas mayeri  Found: Mauritius
The Pink Pigeon has pink head, shoulders, underparts, bill, feet; dark brown wings; broad reddish-brown tail; dark brown eyes; red eye-ring.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo

Genus Oena - 1 species

Dove,_Namaqua  Oena capensis  Found: Africa
The Namaqua Dove has gray upperparts; chestnut primary feathers; white belly. Male has black face, throat, breast; yellow and red bill. Female lacks the black and has gray bill with red base.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Dick Daniels - Madagascar  4) Ruby 1x2  5) Charles_J_Sharp - South Africa
1) Female  2, 3, 4, 5) Male

Genus Streptopelia
These are mainly slim, small to medium-sized species. The upperparts tend to be pale brown, and the underparts are often a shade of pink. Many have a characteristic black-and-white patch on the neck, and monotonous cooing songs.

Dove,_Adamawa Turtle-  Streptopelia hypopyrrha  Found: Africa
Image by: 1) Nigel Voaden - Cameroon  2) Thom Haslam - Gabia  3) Nik_Borrow  - Senegal

Dove,_African_Collared-  Streptopelia roseogrisea  Found: Africa
the African Collared-Dove has pale grayish-brown upperparts; pinkinsh head, neck; breast; shading to white on on chin, belly.
Image by: 1, 3) Ron Knight  2) Arthur Chapman

Dove,_European Turtle-  also Turtle Dove  Streptopelia turtur  Found: Europe, Africa
The European Turtle-Dove has black-and-white striped neck patch; brown mottled back, wings; light throat; pinkish breast; white belly; pale gray flanks.
Image by: 1, 2) Miguel Gonzlez Novo  3) Nik_Borrow - England  4) Skolan

Dove,_Island Collared-  Streptopelia bitorquata  Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1) Ramon FVelasquez   2) Oleg Chernyshov

Dove,_Mourning Collared- also African Mourning Dove  Streptopelia decipiens   Found: Africa
The Mourning Collared-Dove has pale brown back, wings, tail; gray head; pink breast shading to pale gray on belly; black hind neck patch edged with white; red legs.
Image by: 1) Christophe Eyquem - Samburu, Kenya  2) Lip Kee Yap - Dove,_African_Mourning    3) Carol Foil - Lake Nakuru National Park

Dove,_Barbary  also  Ringneck Dove also Ringed Turtle-Dove  Streptopelia risoria  Found: Domesticated
Similar to: Eurasian Collared-Dove. The Ringed Turtle-Dove is a domesticated dove that may have descended from the Eurasian Collared-Dove.
Image by:  1) Sandy Cole - World of Birds, Africa  2) Dick Daniels - Puerto Rico  3) Dick - San Diego  4) Bruno_Chaves_Animais

Dove,_Dusky_Turtle-  Streptopelia lugens  Found: Africa
Image by: 1) Dick Daniels - specimen in Nairobi National Museum, Kenya  2) Tom Tarrant - Uganda  3) Francesco_Veronesi - Tanzania
1) Bare area around eye is not realistic.

Dove,_Eurasian Collared- Streptopelia decaocto   Found: North America, Europe, Asia
The Eurasian Collared-Dove has gray-buff to pinkish-gray plumage; gray-buff upper-tail; dark gray under-tail; black half collar; white or yellow eye-ring; black bill; red legs.
Similar to: Ringed Turtle-Dove. The Ringed Turtle-Dove is a domesticated dove that may have descended from the Eurasian Collared-Dove.
Image by:   1, 2) Anemone Projectors - England  3)  Frank Vassen - Canary Islands    4) Ted Grussing   5) Dick Daniels - England  6) Dick - Arizona  7) Dick - New Hampshire

Dove,_Laughing Streptopelia senegalensis      Found: Africa, Australia, India
The Laughing Dove has brownish upperpart with a bluish-gray band along the wing; pinkish head, underparts; checkered rufous-gray patch on side of neck.
Image by: 1) Sandeep Thoppil - Gaborone Game Reserve, Botswana   2) J M Garg   3) Frank Vassen  4) Arthur Chapman     5) Dick Daniels - Tanzania   6, 7) Dick - South Africa  8) Sandy Cole - San Diego Zoo

Dove,_Oriental_Turtle- also Rufous Turtle-dove   Streptopelia orientalis  Found: Asia
The Oriental Turtle-Dove has black-and-white striped neck patch; brown mottled back, wings; grayish-pink neck, breast; gray tail tipped with white; red legs.
Image by: 1) Daigial  2) Kenpel  3, 4) Dick Daniels - Nepal   5) Greg_Peterson  6) Allan_Hopkins

Dove,_Philippine_Collared-  Streptopelia dusumieri  Found: Philippines
Image by: 1) Wouter_Thijs  2) Peter

Dove,_Red-eyed Streptopelia semitorquata   Found: Africa
The Red-eye Dove has pale brown upperparts; pink head with gray face; pink underparts; black hind neck patch edged with white; white terminal band on under-tail; red eyes which may appear black at a distance; red legs.
Image by:  1, 2) Dick Daniels - Cape Town, South Africa  3) Dick - Masai Mara Garme Reserve, Kenya  4) Derek_Keats - South Africa

Dove,_Red_Collared-  also  Red Turtle Dove  Streptopelia tranquebarica  Found: Asia
The male Red Collared-Dove has red upperparts with gray head; red underparts; black half collar behind neck. Female replaces red with brown.
Image by:  1) J M Garg - India  2) Vijay_Ismavel - India  3) Lip_kee - Singapore  4) Imran_Shah - Pakistan

Dove,_Ring-necked also Cape Turtle Dove Streptopelia capicola   Found: Africa
The Ring-necked Dove has pale brownish-gray plumage with darker back and wings; partial black collar at back of neck.
Image by: 1) Arno Meintjes   2) Erik A Drablos - Masai Mara, Kenya  3, 4) Dick Daniels- Johannesburg, South Africa

Dove,_Spotted also Spotted Turtle Dove Streptopelia chinensis   Introduced: North America, Australia, Hawaii  Found: Asia
The Spotted Dove has a brown back (rufous spots for some subspecies)
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Dick Daniels - Kauai, Hawaii  4) Dick - Nepal  5) Steve Garvie - Sri Lanka

Dove,_Vinaceous  Streptopelia vinacea  Found: Africa
The vinaceous Dove has pale brown upperparts; pale pinkish-gray head, underparts; red legs.
Image by: 1) Thomas Brown - Africa  2) Charles_J_Sharp - Senegal  3)David Cook - Uganda

Dove,_White-winged_Collared-  Streptopelia reichenowi  Found: Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia
Image by: 1, 2) Nik Borrow - Ethiopia

Genus Treron
Green pigeons are distributed across Asia and Africa. Their green coloration comes from a carotenoid pigment in their diet. They eat fruit, nuts, and/or seeds.

Pigeon,_African Green-  Treron calvus  Found: Africa
The African Green-Pigeon has grayish-green to yellowish-green upperparts; maroon shoulder patches; grayish-green underparts; rufous undertail coverts; bill red at base, white at tip. Mainly eat fruit such as figs.
Image by: 1) Arno Meintjes  2, 3) Dick Daniels - Kruger National Park, South Africa   4) Johann du Preez - Kruger National Park

Pigeon,_Andaman_Green-   Treron chloropterus Found: the Andamans and Nicobars
The Andaman Green-Pigeon is also considered a subspecies of the Pompadour Green-Pigeron.
Image by: 1) Lakpa Tenzing Sherpa - Andaman Islands, India
1) Male

Pigeon,_Ashy-headed_Green-   Treron phayrei Found: northeast India and Nepal, east to Yunnan in China, and south through Indochina
The Ashy-headed Green-Pigeon is also considered a subspecies of the Pompadour Green-Pigeron.
Image by: 1) Lip Kee - Nepal  2) Saniya_Chaplod
1) Pair 2) Male

Pigeon,_Bruce's_Green-  Treron waalia  Found: Africa
Olive-Pigeons: Columba arquatrix Columba pollenii  Columba sjostedti  Columba thomensis
The Bruce's Green-Pigeon has olive-green upperparts; darker wings; greenish-gray head, neck, upper-breast; yellow lower-breast and belly. It specialises on eating the fruits of a single species of fig tree, Ficus platphylla.
Image by: 1, 2) Trisha Shears - Cincinnati Zoo  3) Francesco_Veronesi - Gambia

Pigeon,_Buru_Green-   Treron aromaticus Found: small islands in the Flores Sea and Buru, Indonesia
The Buru Green-Pigeon is also considered a subspecies of the Pompadour Green-Pigeron.
Image by: 1) James Eaton - Buru, Maluku, Indonesia

Pigeon,_Cinnamon-headed Green-  Treron fulvicollis Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia
Image by: 1) Henrik Grovold  2) Wokoti
1) Female: left; Male: right 2) Male

Pigeon,_Flores_Green-  Treron floris  Found: Lesser Sunda Islands of Indonesia
Image by: 1, 2) James Eaton

Pigeon,_Gray-cheeked_Green-  Treron griseicauda  Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1) Lip Kee - Sulawesi  2) Sheau_Torng_Lim

Pigeon,_Gray-fronted_Green-   Treron affinis Found: Western Ghats in India
The Gray-fronted Green-Pigeon is also considered a subspecies of the Pompadour Green-Pigeron.
Image by: 1) dhruvara  2) Vivekpuliyeri  3) Pkspks
2) Female 3) Male

Pigeon,_Large_Green-  Treron capellei  Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia
Image by: 1) Henrik Gronvold  2) Lim Kim Chye - Malaysia

Pigeon,_Little_Green-  Treron olax  Found: Asia
The male Little Green-Pigeon has a gray hood; maroon mantle; orange breast, dark gray tail. Female has green on sides of head.
Image by: 1) Lip Kee Yap  2) Wong Tsu Shi - Borneo 

Pigeon,_Madagascar Green
- Treron australis  Found: Madagascar, Comoros, Mayotte
Image by: 1) Frank Vassen  2)) Jerry_Oldenettel

Pigeon,_Orange-breasted_Green-  Treron bicinctus  Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia
The male Orange-breasted Green-Pigeon has narrow band of lilac on upper-breast with broader orange band below; cinnamon under-tail coverts; gray on upperparts of tail. Female has yellow underparts lacking lilac or orange bands; duller cinnamon under-tail coverts with greenish spots.
Image by: 1) Thimindu Goonatillake  2) Pkspks  3) David Cook - Sri Lanka 4) Thimindu Goonatillake

Pigeon,_Pemba Green-  Treron pembaensis  Found: Tanzania
Image by: 1) Per_Holmen

Pigeon,_Philippine_Green-  Treron axillarisFound: Philippines
The Philippine Green-Pigeon is also considered a subspecies of the Pompadour Green-Pigeron.
Image by: 1) Roberto_Verzo  2) PD_Round  3) Lorenzo Vinciguerra
2) Female 3) Male

Pigeon,_Pink-necked_Green-  Treron vernans    Found: Asia
The Pink-necked Green-Pigeon has gray head; pink neck, upper-breast; yellowish belly; gray tail with blackish band.
Image by: 1) Jason_Thompson  Darren Bellerby - Jurong Bird Park, Singapore  2) Lip Kee Yap 3) Johnny Wee
1) Pair

Pigeon,_Pin-tailed Green-   Treron apicauda  Found: southeast Asia
Image by: 1) Henrik Gronvold  2) Francesco Veronesi  3) Dibyendu_Ash

Pigeon,_Pompadour Green- Treron pompadora  Found: Asia
The Pompadour Green-Pigeon has green  to greenish-yellow head; green underparts (male T. p. phayreii has orange breast patch); gray crown and forehead ( T. p. pompadora greenish-yellow); blackish wings; mantle purplish-chestnut (male) or  dark green (female)
Some split the Pompdour Green-Pigeon into the following species:
Andaman Green-Pigeon (Treron chloropterus) from the Andamans and Nicobars.
Ashy-headed Green-Pigeon (Treron phayrei) from northeast India and Nepal, east to Yunnan in China, and south through Indochina
Buru Green-Pigeon (Treron aromaticus) from small islands in the Flores Sea and Buru, Indonesia.
Gray-fronted Green-Pigeon (Treron affinis) from the Western Ghats in India.
Philippine Green-Pigeon (Treron axillaris) from the Philippines.
Sri Lanka Green-Pigeon (Treron pompadora) from Sri Lanka.
Image by: 1) Saniya_Chaplod - Ashy-headed Green-Pigeon  2) dhruvaraj - Gray-fronted Green-Pigeon  3) Dave Irving - Philippine Green-Pigeon 4) Thimindu - Kaudulla National Park, Sri Lanka  5) Steve Garvie -Sri Lanka  6) Jerry Oldenettel  - Sri Lanka

Pigeon,_Sao_Tome_Green-  Treron sanctithomae  Found: São Tomé and Príncipe (off west equatorial Africa)
Image by: 1) Muchaxo  2) Nik_Borrow

Pigeon,_Sri_Lanaka_Green-   Treron pompadora Found: Sri Lanka
The Sri Lanka Green-Pigeon is also considered a subspecies of the Pompadour Green-Pigeron.
Image by: 1) Thimindu - Kaudulla National Park, Sri Lanka 2) Steve Garvie -Sri Lanka 3) Jerry Oldenettel  - Sri Lanka

Pigeon,_Sumatran_Green- also Green-spectacled_Pigeon Treron oxyurus  Found: Java and Sumatra of Indonesia
Image by: 1) Andrew Crichton  2) James_Eaton

Pigeon,_Sumba Green-  Treron teysmannii  Found: Lesser Sunda Islands of Indonesia
Image by: 1) Ron Knight

Pigeon,_Thick-billed Green-  Treron curvirostra  Found: Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines
The male Thick-billed Green-Pigeon has thick greenish bill with red base; maroon mantle; cinnamon under-tail; greenish-yellow eye-ring. Female has no maroon mantle; buff under-tail.
Image by: 1) Johnny Wee  2) Vijay Ismavel  3) Charles Lam - Hong Kong

Pigeon,_Timor_Green-  Treron psittaceus  Found: Indonesia, East Timor
Image by: 1, 2) James_Eaton

Pigeon,_Wedge-tailed Green- also Wedge-tailed Pigeon Treron sphenurus  Found: Asia, Malaysia
Image by: 1, 2) Ron Knight  3) Koshy_Koshy - India

Pigeon,_Whistling Green- also   Formosan Green-Pigeon  Treron formosae  Found: Japan, Philippines, Taiwan
Image by: 1) John Gerrard Keulemans  2, 3) Hiyashi Haka

Pigeon,_White-bellied Green-  also White-bellied Pigeon Treron sieboldiiFound: Asia
Image by: 1) Lin_Sun_Fong    2) Charles Lam - Taiwan  3) Kaz Kuro

Pigeon,_Yellow-footed Green-  Treron phoenicoptera  Found: South Asia
The Yellow-footed Green-Pigeon has blue-gray crown and forehead; greenish-golden neck and upper-breast; pinkish shoulder patch; yellow-fringed wings; yellow legs, feet.
Image by: 1,  2) J M Garg - Sultanpur National Park, India   3) Vijay_Ismavel - Delhi

Pigeon,_Yellow-vented_Green-  Treron seimundi  Found: Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam
Image by: 1) Yaitz331

Genus Turtur
Found: Africa

Dove,_Black-billed Wood-  Turtur abyssinicus   Found: Africa
The Black-billed Wood-Dove has black bill; pale gray-brown upperparts; dark metallic patches on folded wings; bluish-gray crown, forehead, nape; pinkish underparts becoming paler on belly.
Image by: 1) Tom Tarrant - Uganda    2) Francesco_Veronesi - Gambia  3) Thomas Brown - Gambia  4) Frans_Vandewalle

Dove,_Blue-headed_Wood-  Turtur brehmeri  Found: Africa
The Blue-headed Wood-Dove has mainly rufous-brown plumage; bluish-gray head; iridescent green wing patches; reddish bill; red feet.
Image by: 1) Bart Wurstenn - D Congo  2) Christoph Lorse  3) Stavenn   4) Francesco_Veronesi

Dove,_Blue-spotted Wood- Turtur afer  Found: Africa
The Blue-spotted Wood-Dove has brown upperparts; blue spots on wings; bluish-gray forehead, crown, nape; pink chin, upper-breast;; lighter belly; dark bill with yellow tip.
Similar to: Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove. Blue-spotted Wood-Dove has yellow tipped bill; Emerald-spotted Wood-dove has dark bill with no yellow tip. Emerald-spotted prefers more humid habit.
Image by: 1) Joseph Mochoge - Kenya  2) Thomas Brown - Gambia  3) Allan Hopkins - Gambia

Dove,_Emerald-spotted Wood-  Turtur chalcospilos  Found: Africa
The Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove has gray-brown hind-neck, mantle, wings, tail; bluish-gray forehead, crown, nape; blackish bands on lower back; purplish-pink underparts; lighter belly; dark bill with red base.
Similar to: Blue-spotted Wood-Dove. Blue-spotted Wood-Dove has yellow tipped bill; Emerald-spotted Wood-dove has dark bill with no yellow tip. Emerald-spotted prefers more humid habit.
Image by: 1) Arno Meintjes  2) Carol Foil - Kenya  3) Jerry Oldenettle - Botswana    4) Charlie Westerinen - Botswana  5, 6) Dick Daniels - Nairobi National Park, Kenya

Dove,_Tambourine   Turtur tympanistria    Found: Africa (south of Sahara)
The male Tambourine Dove has grayish-brown upperparts; bray crown; white face, forehead, underparts; purple-red eye-ring, feet; purple bill. Female duller; white only on belly; pale gray-brown breast, face.
Image by: 1) Dave Curtis - Kenya  2) Joseph Mochoge - Eburu Kenya  3) Alan Manson - South Africa
1) Female   2, 3) Male

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